Identifying Bollywood as a crucial factor of India’s economic development: A review analysis Bouka Eleni and Merkouri, Maria-Marina and Metaxas, Theodore
During the last two decades, Bollywood, India’s film industry has become the biggest worldwide film industry in terms of film production size. With more than 27 thousand films, and around 1000 films per year, Bollywood’s movies have spread all round the world. Bollywood first appeared around 1912 in Bombay, India. Its history abroad can be traced to small screenings in college rooms and movies watched by expatriate Indians during the late 1960’s and 1970’s. During those years, in both the U.S. and the UK, it was very rare to find Indian community centers and even less common, any media related to India’s cultural values. The future development of Bollywood and the Indian film industry wouldn’t have been the same without these spaces where people from the community could wear traditional clothes and take part in activities that reminded them of “home” (Bouka, Merkouri and Metaxas, 2015, p. 4). During the end of the 1990’s India’s presence in the media grew. Bollywood’s movies, bro...